House for sale Huahin, Pool Villa River front at Pranburi for Sale, Price 14.75 Million Baht
Prachuap Khiri Khan, Pran Buri, Wang Phong
Sale: āļŋ 14,750,000
Full description
Listing ID: SH 12033
4 Bedroom Villa for sale in Wang Phong, Prachuap Khiri Khan
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House for sale Huahin, Pool Villa River front at Pranburi for Sale, Price 14.75 Million Baht
SH 12033
Price for sale 14,750,000 Baht
Land Area 1310.4 sq.m. (327 sq.wah)
Living Area 276 sq.m.
Bathroom 4
Bathroom 4
This pool villa is located at Pranburi , appx. 25 kilometers from Hua Hin. The beaches are 7.2 km with walking, running and bicycle tracks many restaurants and bars. Pranburi is a progressive growing tourist area with many attractions close to Hua Hin with its tourist attractions bars and restaurants. Have the right to use the land at the riverbank approximately 8mx30m 240 mÂē where we have planted various fruit trees and vegetables, also planted fruit and vegetable at the front of the land approximately 260 mÂē of area. The property has double electric gates, at the front of the property and directly at the property entrance which enhances the security. Fitted solar panels x 12, panels capable of generating 5280 kWh of power. This is a very safe area since occupying the property we have no incidents within this area. There are no community maintenance charges or fees.
Contact Pun 080-579----,097-267----
Lind ID punstar5
Email [email protected]
House for sale Huahin, Pool Villa River front at Pranburi for Sale, Price 14.75 Million Baht
SH 12033
Price for sale 14,750,000 Baht
Land Area 1310.4 sq.m. (327 sq.wah)
Living Area 276 sq.m.
Bathroom 4
Bathroom 4
This pool villa is located at Pranburi , appx. 25 kilometers from Hua Hin. The beaches are 7.2 km with walking, running and bicycle tracks many restaurants and bars. Pranburi is a progressive growing tourist area with many attractions close to Hua Hin with its tourist attractions bars and restaurants. Have the right to use the land at the riverbank approximately 8mx30m 240 mÂē where we have planted various fruit trees and vegetables, also planted fruit and vegetable at the front of the land approximately 260 mÂē of area. The property has double electric gates, at the front of the property and directly at the property entrance which enhances the security. Fitted solar panels x 12, panels capable of generating 5280 kWh of power. This is a very safe area since occupying the property we have no incidents within this area. There are no community maintenance charges or fees.
Contact Pun 080-579----,097-267----
Lind ID punstar5
Email [email protected]
Key features
- Beds: 4
- Baths: 4
- Usable area: 276 m2
- Land area: 1,310.4 m2 / 3 Ngan 27.6 Sq.W.