Huahin Land for sale, location Huahin town Soi 116, Land area 1600 sqm (1 Rai), price 12 Million Baht per rai.
Prachuap Khiri Khan, Hua Hin, Nong Kae
Sale: āļŋ 12,000,000
Full description
Listing ID: SH 00544
Land for sale in Nong Kae, Prachuap Khiri Khan
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Huahin Land for sale, location Huahin town Soi 116, Land area 1600 sqm (1 Rai), price 12 Million Baht per rai.
SH 00544
Located at Huahin Soi 116, only 4 km from Bluport shopping center , next from the mountain. The plot borders the good road, water supply and electricity is available.
Land area 1 Rai (1600 sq.m). (2 plot)
Total Price 12 Million Baht per rai (30000 per sq.wah)
Share 50% of tax and fee to transfer the ownership.
Freehold (Nor.Sor.4 Jor)
Map: 12°31â19.0âģN 99°57â07.6âģE
Contact Pun 080-579----,097-267----
Lind ID punstar5
Email [email protected]
āļāļāļēāļāļāļĩāđāļāļīāļ 1 āđāļĢāđ (400 āļāļĢāļ§)
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āđāļāļāļāļĩāđ 12°31'19.0"N 99°57'07.6"E
āļĢāļēāļāļēāļĢāļ§āļĄ 12 āļĨāđāļēāļāļāļēāļ
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Huahin Land for sale, location Huahin town Soi 116, Land area 1600 sqm (1 Rai), price 12 Million Baht per rai.
SH 00544
Located at Huahin Soi 116, only 4 km from Bluport shopping center , next from the mountain. The plot borders the good road, water supply and electricity is available.
Land area 1 Rai (1600 sq.m). (2 plot)
Total Price 12 Million Baht per rai (30000 per sq.wah)
Share 50% of tax and fee to transfer the ownership.
Freehold (Nor.Sor.4 Jor)
Map: 12°31â19.0âģN 99°57â07.6âģE
Contact Pun 080-579----,097-267----
Lind ID punstar5
Email [email protected]
Key features
- Land area: 1,600 m2 / 1 Rai